In this Article:
Applying to campaigns allows a brand to consider you for participation. There are two types of campaign applications:
- Existing Relationships: A brand you have an existing relationship might reach out to you directly with a link to apply to their campaign
New Opportunities: If you're opted in to the creator marketplace, you can either:
- Find the campaign in the campaigns board and apply to it proactively, or
- A brand might find your creator profile and reach out to invite you via email to apply, if they think you're a good fit
It's typical for brands to invite creators to apply to their campaign before making final selections in order to gauge interest and collect additional information. From there, the brand will reach out to you with further instructions if you've been selected.
Regardless of whether you apply proactively or are invited directly, the application and campaign management process is very similar within Later.
Existing Relationships
If you receive an invitation from a brand you have an existing relationship with, treat the campaign application as an onboarding form. Completing the application will create a profile for you in the brand's database to continue your collaboration.
New Opportunities
If you've opted in to Later's creator marketplace, you may receive invitations from brands you haven't worked with yet if they think your creator profile is a good fit for them. Campaign invitations are sent to your contact email, and will invite you to apply to the campaign in Later for consideration.
Once you're part of the creator marketplace, you also have the option to browse the campaign board and proactively apply to those that interest you—no need to wait to be invited if you think you're a good fit!
Complete Campaign Application
Here's how to complete an application for a campaign:
- Select the campaign application link that was sent to you via email, or select Open Campaign > Open Application for campaigns from the campaign board
- Connect any accounts required for the application (or confirm the correct accounts are connected), and select Next
Important: If you change any profiles connected here, those changes will be reflected in your existing Later account (if applicable) and creator profile. If you can't click Next after this step and are connecting an Instagram profile, confirm that it is a business or creator profile (personal Instagram profiles aren't supported) and it is connected to a Facebook Page. - Enter (or confirm) your personal information, and select Next
- Enter (or confirm) your demographic information, and select Apply to Campaign
- Review and accept the Terms and Conditions and the Influencer Agreement
- You'll need to open each of these documents in addition to checking the checkbox before the Apply to Campaign button will be enabled
- Select Apply to Campaign
- [Optional] If you haven't already, select Join Marketplace to join the creator marketplace, or select No Thanks if you'd prefer your profile to not be discoverable
- Joining the marketplace allows you to search for and apply to campaigns in Later's campaign board, and allows hundreds of brands to discover your profile and connect with you about collaboration opportunities. Learn more