In this Article:
As we build new features in Later, they go through different stages. These stages allow us to gather feedback from our customers, update features based on customer feedback, and continue to evolve features as our customers use them.
Early Access is one stage in our release process. An Early Access feature is one that’s ready to use, but not completely finished. We’re still working on the feature to make it better, but want to give our customers the chance to use it before it’s done.
Why Use an Early Access Feature?
You might be wondering, “Why should I use a feature that’s not done?” By using an Early Access feature, you’ll be among the first customers to try a feature. Once you choose to use an Early Access feature, you may be eligible for future updates and enhancements we make to that feature — before we announce it to everyone else.
How Do I Get Early Access?
First, you must be on an eligible plan for the Early Access feature. The plan you’ll need will depend on the feature.
Early Access features will be labeled as Early Access in Later. To use the feature, you’ll need to accept our Early Access terms. Once you’ve done that, you can use the feature.
Keep in mind, an Early Access feature might not have all the functionality that the completed feature will have. But we’ll continue to improve and evolve the feature for Early Access customers before we release it to everyone.
If you’re using an Early Access feature, we welcome your feedback to help shape its future development. Get in touch with our support team if you have any feedback for us.